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Frequently Asked Questions

The most important source of information about your psychological functioning is how you feel you're doing. Do you feel less bothered by your difficulties? Are you more able to manage your life, relationships, work situations? Are you happier?

In addition to your own judgment about your functioning, psychological tests can be used to monitor progress over time.

How does payment work?

Payment for the session is due at the end of each session. I accept payment by cheque or cash. You will be provided with a receipt for insurance or tax purposes. For motor-vehicle accident victims, your insurer may be billed directly.

Why should I choose a psychologist for my mental health concerns?

Psychologists have undergone more training in psychology than any other mental health professionals. Psychologists have more than 10 years of postsecondary education, including thousands of hours of clinical training in assessment, diagnosis, and psychotherapy. As such, they are best positioned to meet your mental health needs.

Further, psychologists in Ontario are regulated by the College of Psychologists of Ontario (, and as regulated health professionals, are required to follow strict ethical and professional guidelines. This regulatory oversight ensures that clients/patients have recourse should there be any breaches of professional ethics or rules. This level of oversight may not be available with other counsellors or psychotherapists who are unregulated.

The first appointment is typically an assessment period where specific information about your difficulties are gathered in an effort to determine how best to serve your needs. This assessment will include questions about your current difficulties (type of symptoms, duration) and may include questions about any history of mental health difficulties and treatment, past difficulties, and general information about your situation. Depending on the need, this assessment may also include formal tests (questionnaires, psychological measures).

What can I expect from my first meeting with a psychologist?

If it is determined, after this initial meeting, that psychological services with Dr. Carrière are not appropriate for your needs, an effort will be made to help you access services to meet your needs.

How long will treatment (psychotherapy) last?

The length of treatment depends on the severity, intensity, and length of your difficulties. More numerous and complex difficulties typically require a longer period of treatment. The specifics of your situation will be discussed with your psychologist.

How will I know if treatment is helping me?

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